
Gorgeous New Year Flowers to Woo Your Loved One’s

Flowers have a sincere and exquisite feel to them. They represent great wellbeing, positivity, bliss, and love. Just a glance at a beautiful flower can make a day that is going downhill transform into a happy one just as a garden full of flowers makes you want to stop and embrace the beauty of nature for a while. Similarly, when you present flowers to someone, they can make them feel fresh and energetic. Flowers are a gift of joy by nature to us humans. No matter how bad our day goes, a beautiful bouquet can make us smile instantly. It is a proven fact that keeping flowers at your home can bring in positivity and help you relieve anxiety or stress on a daily basis. Flowers come in so many vibrant shades and fragrances that they can give you tickle at your heart. They hold immense beauty in their soft and velvety petals.

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Now that you know how fabulous a flower bouquet can be as a gift, this New Year list down all the people that make you feel special and share the happiness with them. If you think that flowers are not enough as an overall gift, pair these up with New Year cakes, chocolates or maybe a teddy to make them more appealing to the beholder.

But are you aware of what each flower means and when it should be gifted and to whom? Gifting flowers can be quite tricky as each flower, and the way it is packed says a lot about your emotions towards the other person. Allow us to enlighten you about all the fantastic flowers you can gift to the people that you care about.


Since ages, roses have been used as a symbol of love and elegance. While every shade of roses is equally beautiful, red in particular are the one that is highly vibrant and attractive. A red rose stands for passion and intimate love and is best gifted to your partner. A yellow rose stands for friendship and can be gifted to your friends or even family. Roses can settle right into any occasion happy or sad, depending on the colour you choose. You can pack these flowers with a contrasting coloured sheet and voila there you have it, a perfect flower bouquet to give to the one you care about.


The name of this flower is said to have arrived from a Latin word “ carris” meaning pink, which was the first colour that this flower originated in. In Rome during old times, these flowers were gifted as a tribute to their god while in Korea, they are mainly given to one’s parents to show love and respect for them. Just as Roses now, even Carnations come in a variety of colours, each having its special meaning and emotion attached to it. Carnations overall are a symbol of pure love as well as good luck.

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Considered as the most ornamental and luxury flowers, Orchids are one of the graceful as well exotic of all in this list. These flowers represent the emotions of beauty, luxury; a yellow one represents friendship, a purple stands for royalty and so on.

Gerberas: A gerbera flower is a variant of tropical daisies. The name Gerbera has derived after the name of a well-known botanist Traugott Gerber who hailed from Germany. The rich and vibrant colour of this flower makes it stand out from the rest. These colours represent youth and happiness. This flower has different meanings in different countries such as in Egypt; it is connected to mother earth. This flower also stands for beauty and innocence. In many cultures, these flowers are also used to cheer up anyone who is sick or in hospital.

Apart from just the above, there are a lot more options you can opt for this New Year to make the people around you optimistic and happy. Order cake online with a beautifully arranged bouquet and send the fantastic combo to the people that have always been by you throughout the passing year, as a token of your thankfulness and appreciation. Let everyone around you know that you genuinely appreciate their support. A bouquet can even mend broken relationships, so why don’t you try catching up with that old friend of yours. This New Year gifts a flower from the heart and experiences the difference in your bonds.

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